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The digital transformation of the Italian Public Administration: a meeting with Diego Piacentini and Raffaele Lillo

Publication date: 13.05.2018
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At 11:00am on Monday May 14th, the Sant’Anna School of Advanced studies will host a meeting with Diego Piacentini, the Government Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, and Raffaele Lillo, the Chief Data Officer of the Italian Digital Transformation team. In August 2016, taking a leave of absence from his position as Senior Vice President of International Consumer Business at, Piacentini agreed to work pro-bono for the Italian government – leading the digital transformation of the Public Administration. After developing a three-year plan and assembling a dynamic team of young talents to pursue it, Piacentini and Lillo will share the progress achieved to date, the obstacles encountered, and what is left to be done – with a special focus on how to benefit from the value of data.

The meeting, organized by EMbeDS, will bring together students, researchers and faculty engaged in the Social Sciences, as well as the Data Science community active in the Pisa area.